For the moment, two sets of questions:
1. If what one reads is so pathetic, disturbing, and unnecessary, why read it? Is appreciating the reports but criticizing the reporter akin to offing a "boy" but telling him sex is a sin? Or getting a haircut but telling the barber his job is beneath contempt? Or getting your c*c* s*c*ed (as the inimitable Sextile might put it), then fag-bashing the fellator?
2. Why bother telling a churl that you're not doing what she's churlish about? Is it like telling a racist, "I'm really not like that"?
Cupidman's take is a good one. And, as icon513 noted recently, "The quantity and detail of information posted here is just a speck compared to what appears on Thai boards like Palm Plaza and TMM." Those Thais must be horridly, horridly obsessed.