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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - why
Thread: why
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Old 1st September 2009, 08:01 AM
Keith's Avatar
Former Cruisemaster
(Deceased 2012)
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 899

I'm one who mostly reads and rarely comments. Having been to Bangkok a total of one time, and that having been 1985, I can't imagine what I might could contribute. But I do find it worth reading about all the gossip about clubs, boys, westerners, and the like. I know some seem to think the threads have gotten less than respectful, but comparing them to some others, they really are no less so than often happens online on any topic. Just remember: some of us don't have a life and we strike out at anyone out there who appears to be having one! The Internet provides a safe space for cowards to rule in ways they otherwise can't do. Ignore them. They go away.
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