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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Magnificent ?? Obsession
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Old 9th September 2009, 11:03 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by Keith View Post
If you fail to appreciate the community spirit by which men are motivated to share ...
I would have thought any sort of community spirit would imply a concern for members of the community.

I was simply observing that a few people seem to spend an inordinate amount of their time in the bars, massage venues and public toilets and have become obsessed with details.

I enjoy reading reports on the bars, etc from a wide spectrum of people with differing points of views whenever I plan my increasingly rare visits to Bangkok since it helps me to plan my day or two there.

Nothing that goes on in those places offends me nor do the adventures of those who report. I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with those pursuits ... and it would be the height of hypocrisy for me to take that view.

Some expats who live here spend increasing amounts of time in bars drinking. Their descent into alcoholism (and usually depression) is sad to see. Of course what they do is none of my business, but if it were someone I had some interaction with I might still suggest they look for other things to do at least some of the time. Yes, that would make me a busy-body, but how could you claim a sense of community if you simply let them drink themselves into oblivion?

Likewise, some people who have lived here for an extended period of time seem to have no other activity other than pursuing sex in commercial venues. Even reading their endless reports you find them complaining about the shows and the boys and the smoking and, and, and. Even they admit it’s no longer enjoyable.

It's still none of my business, but the thought first arose because at times I think I spend too much time obsessing about such things and I see that, or worse, in others. Maybe from time to time we need to ask ourselves if we're letting something that was once an enjoyable part of our lives become an unsatisfying addiction.

We might joke about the thread count on the sheets in a hotel, but …

One massage venue recently added an alleged indication on their website as to whether or not individual boys were available or busy. Someone apparently spent hours tracking the system and wrote a feverish report exposing the inaccuracy of the information. It's sex folks. It's meant to be enjoyed and savoured. If you've developed a code for how much hair boys have on their legs or how wide their shoulders are compared to their hips ... you're officially around the bend.

Body hair codes
A typical code has three alphanumerals, e.g. 1B3. The three characters represent the spread of hair on the arm, torso and leg respectively. They don’t represent how thickly haired these parts are – and in that, the system isn’t quite good enough

Body hair codes « Shamelessmack in Thailand and around

Someone really should throw some cold water on you … in a fit of virtuous community spirit.

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