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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - super A
Thread: super A
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Old 14th September 2009, 12:58 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Last sat., (12th.), I dropped-in to SUPER A., not having been there for several months.
- ETA.: approx. 23.oo.hrs..
- Drinks: 100.Bh..
- Still as sleazy as ever!
- Just two other farang customers there at that time.
- I was joined by Khun Kae: 22YO. from Chiang Mai, who has been working there for just a couple days and thus felt new and uncertain of just how much might be allowed in inter-action between boi & customer - several times he invited me to join him and avail of the upstairs' room; to wch. I replied that I'd rather give him the money than to the management - a point wch. he recognised v. quickly!
- Khun Kae told me that there are ten a go-go boyz working there now, and that some had been offed already that evening by both Thais & farangs.
- When I arr'd. there were three boyz on stage, one of whom was playing with himself; later he went and joined another & older looking boi in shewing one of the other farangs what's on offer!
- Having confirmed that CLOSING time is 01.oo.hrs. I left soon after midnight.
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