Hey Keith!
Thank you for the lovely reply! -- The piece you made reference to that you had posted years ago is exactly what I was referencing in my piece regarding tips I learned & things I like about this site.
I think it's absolutely brilliant what you wrote!!
I can't tell you how many times I've referred to, borrowed from, or reiterated onward the content you provided; & your tips have been helpful to me, as well as others.
It contains a massive amount of extremely important & relevant information & is well worth any cruisers time in visiting, or revisiting to brush up on some of the basics. (Thank you for providing a link to it by the way!)
I could go on & on about the many things I just love about your post, but will try to keep this brief. -- I do want to share that I find the majority of your tips especially amusing given the fact that I feel most are 'common sense' -- (you would think) -- but what's common sense to one person might be news to another who hadn't yet received 'the memo' for example.
Your suggested conduct & protocol examples are fantastic. They're totally beneficial, vitally important, & never should be taken for granted. (I think they should be required reading as part of the sign-up process!) -- In my experience, a bad seed can indeed spoil it for the rest of the bunch, & people unfortunately never cease to amaze me with their rampant ignorance or blatant disregard for the welfare of others (or even sometimes the word "no") LOL!
But again, THANK YOU ever so much.
All my best,