Originally Posted by 12is12
I apologize if this query amount to sacrilege in this forum, but: can anyone guide me to a website that addresses cruising for straight sex in Thailand (or in general)?
Click on one of the shocking pink links for a comprehensive (I assume) listing of female gogo venues. Not exactly "cruising," but if you wander around in the vicinity of the gogo bars you'll undoubtedly attract a number of varied offers.
Incidentally, a decidedly straight guy I frequently off from Krazy Dragon told me last week a Swiss man offed him and then wanted to be taken to the girl bars.
This boy's English is quite good and I found it amusing when he got this what-the-fuck expression on his face and said," So, I'm sitting there with all this pussy in my face. What was that about?"
I didn't ask if that was the extent of his adventure. I guess there must be some guys who want to off a man and a woman for various activities back in the hotel.