Saturday at Babylon I was locker 517.Busy as "back in the day"Friday also busy.At 10-30 they bang on the door to announce closing time and the numbers leaving that time resembled the slow night crowds.If you have sex after 9-30 make it no-foreplay.Babylon with lights full on closing time in the cabin area is not a pretty sight.Only one hard -working guy covering cleaning and locker duties.Sauna stinks also.Many saunas close the steam for 15mins each night for a freshen-up.The cabins and sauna need some thought.The restaurant group at the top table rave on about being 5 star but it is the talk of the complacent and self-satisfied.Kun Toc needs to close his ears to the sycophants and do some hands on research.The focus on this place now is pushing drinks,massage and accommodation.The cruise area is an uncared for dive.These palces are hard to make pristine clean but many saunas lose custom once they get the dirty reputation.See how Ot-ot K.L,City Steam Sydney,Anniki Taipei,Subway Melbourne and Tokyo 24 go about maintaining the impression of cleanliness and aethetics.
On its 22nd birthday good luck to Babylon but tone down the self-congratulation.
For now it is still the one.