-- Having seen the advert. and then read the
two pages' article, with photos., (freebie & monthly mag.
Variety - VIII., #79., avail. at several well-known outlets.), I went-out to
- addr.: Tnn. Phet Kasem soi 62.1.,
Khet Bang Khae, BKK.;
- tel.: (02)-803 9275., (087)-078 3166 for
Khun Cris.;
- web: >
ร้านกายภาพบำบัด& นวดแผนไทยบางแค <
NB. one may experience a certain amt. of difficulty in accessing BANGKAE MASSAGE's web site, in wch. case avail of search-engine
-- I arr'd. about mid-afternoon.
- First impressions weren't all that favorable as the GF. area looked dishevelled & shabby with several boyz & a
masseuse lounging about.
Khun Day, the owner, was
not available thus, having told the receptionist that I'd like a 90 mins. & oil massage I was taken by the hand by
Khun Cris. and led by the hand up
two flts. of semi-darkened stairs to what looked like a bedroom: approx.
10ft.sq., with a queen-sized bed, a ceiling fan & air-cond. and a wooden wardrobe.
- I repeated my request and was told that it would cost
450.Bh.; I enquired about a suitable masseur and was shewn the usual photo.-album, at wch. I decided
not to look but having confirmed that their massages are for men by men stated my preferences. I was then left alone for about
five mins. while a suitable
masseur was found:
Khun Woot, 26YO. from BKK.; of avg. ht., avg. looks and an hint that when older he'd be puting-on wt.; speaks ltd. English.
- The shower space is in a thatched lean-to, cold water only. The towel was clean & smelt freshly laundered. I did
not see an
hawng nahm on that floor.
- The massage was good enough and quite firm, with attn. being paid to those places upon wch. the sun doesn't usually shine. After about
45 mins. and time to turn-over, the reason for that att'n. was plainly visible! Endowed with about avg. length, (uncut.), & a bit thicker than most.
- I'll allow the hand of discretion to draw the veil of silence over what happened next; suffice it to write that afterwards we both said: "
Sabai, sabai.", wch., being interpreted, means '
Tired but happy!'

- We showered together to remove the oil
etc. and that was that.
- The o'all. time was a good
- Downstairs I wasn't offered any
apres-massage drink.
- There were
no Business Cards avail., either.
-- Possibly worth another visit, (
3 strikes' rule.), - but an advance 'phone.-call might be MORE helpful?