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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Being young gay with the Internet...
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Old 25th January 2010, 03:20 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400
It Is Always a Mixed Bag...

I agree with the previous poster.

Actually, no matter how you look at it, every new development brings something along, AND takes away something else. For the majority, the balance may still be positive justifying the perception of general progress. But for many of us, on a very personal level, all that progress may have really meant actual regress since we all are particular to certain aspects of our experience.

I am thrilled with the overall results of the gay lib, achieved levels of equality, progress on the gay marriage issue, etc., etc.

On a very personal level, secrecy and discretion which used to be the trademarks of gay life before all of the progress previously mentioned, added tension, ingenuity, camaraderie, a very strong sense of identity and common purpose, etc. to being a gay male. Much of that is now history.

Winning a battle usually means melting together with the defeated...

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