QUOTE "Seems to be the same as with NATURE BOY*.
- The last time that I visited - quite some time ago, I'll allow - I was info'd. by one of the barpersons that were I to smoke a boi to an 'Happy ending.' then I would be charged an add'n. 300.Bh., (the 'Off.' fee.), PLUS the boi's TIP.. Needless to write I decided not to progress any further with my smoking. "
I have on several occasions brought boys to climax while sitting at the tables in Nature boy. (and on one occasion v.v.) Tipped him 200 bt and the watchers / feelers 100bt. No problem with Mamasan.
Silom Centre (enter from Sala Daeng BTS) still one of the easiest places to spot young thai cruisers.. and probably best to just walk around the upper floors rather than the toilets. Then its the way I described in another post "SEX." Smile, Eye contact, Xcitment