As Icon rightly said, only a tiny numbers of Thais are anything less than squeaky clean. Thais are brought up to be fastidious about personal cleanliness and personal hygiene.
I don't know where you get this idea that: "They don't like to wash their hair because it's unhealthy for the hair", but I suggest it's just not true.
"If they have long hair, they hate to wash it". Again I dispute this.
"You like it when they have short hair - it dries quicker", are you in fact revealing that you simply don't like long hair so you criticize long hair in any way you can.
My guess is that most members here have had the experience of taking a young man somewhere and the absolute first requirement is that both people shower, and I'll say again, in my experience many will also shampoo their hair. It's true that longer-hair takes longer to shampoo and to groom after the shower, but are you forgetting that it's very posssible the young man with long hair has in fact shampooed his hair just before he left home to come to work, so because of the time factor he now washes his body and misses the hair?
"I also hate the sloppiness of many Thai's hair. I heard that this is a Korean influence". Thai youngsters are fashion conscious like all young people everywhere. It's probably true that some Japanese and Korean fashion factors do currently have some influence on Thai youngsters, thats' life. You might describe it as sloppy, they think it's cool - it's fashion. Doesn't necessarily equate to dirty.