Ok i talked this place up before. But I was there tonight at 6:30pm Lot was full. Hot Chick working the counter too.
I desided I was gona find a place to sit for a few mintutes and get my bearings. check out what the other perverts are up too. Dude from another country came up to me and asked if i was wanting to play. Told him no I was watching other right now but later.
After an 30 mins or so I disided to hit a booth that opend up in front of me.
No hole in the wall here

Droped 3 dollars in the machine and Jacked off for a few mins.
Left that room and found my way around again.
Went into a booth that had a hole.

Droped 5 dollars in booth and a few mins later a dude walked into the other booth. He stuck fingers through . I gave his mouth my Dick.
About 5 mins or so he stoped. I bent down to see if he left.
He ask if he can come over to me. I said yes. opened my door and in he came.
Started to suck my cock again. POPPERS RULE guys!!!
Not long before I was CUMMING HARD in his Hot Mouth!!!
Thanks Dude I Had a GREAT TIME once again !!
Anyone Intrested in hooking up and going with me next time. Hit me up!