I read in tiny Wall Street Journal article that Silom is now an area of concern for the army--especially Bangkok Bank, (which is now protected with barbed-wire, etc.), because the protesters think that bank is in with the government. [/QUOTE
-- Y'day., (19th.), forenoon I made a special trip to the HQ. of the BBL. - 333, Tnn. Si Lom, Khet Bang rak - to see for myself.
- True that there were a few mil'y. vehs. parked in Soi Phipat, (Silom 3.), but from the main rd. all I saw were some of the usual & portable steel barriers ready to be deployed along the side-walk, if needed; and a few armed & mil'y. gds. standing in the gen'l. area of the Bank's main ent'ce.. But possibly reserves were hidden-away, OUT of sight from the street?
- I was surprised at the gen'l. lack of obvious mil'y. strength.
-- Reportedly Gen. Prem - one of the thought-to-be upholders of the status quo ante bellum has his account with BBL.; and, or so I believe, was a member of its Board, (but please do not quote me on that as I've not verified it.),.