-- Today, (
12th.), forenoon and walking along soi Than Tawan/Silom 6 I saw
no soldiers until I walked-by CP. TWR. wch. had
a couple of armed soldiers at either end; outside SILCOM. was a piquet of approx.
18 or so mixed riot-police & soldiers all sitting-down along the kerb-side. However, along soi Than Tawan the
two sand-bagged pos'ns. are in place still and coils of razor-wire are coiled-up and ready for use, if req'd.. Along tnn. Si Lom the coil of razor wire across the side-walk on the SILCOM. side & by the BTS. escalator has been pulled-back to allow free passage along the side-walk, but that o'side. SILCOM. is in place, still.
Two mil'y. vehs., the smaller with
red crosses on it, in the MANGO TREE car-park; another & larger mil'y. truck o'side. SILCOM.
-- Walking-back around
no tps seen in tnn. Thaniya and none along tnn. Suriwong.
-- Glamcing out of the corner of my eye at today's
BKK. Post. 'paper's. headline I read:
Irked PM. says: Rally ends today..
- The CRES. has announced that after
midnight today it will cut-off power & water to the R'PRASONG. AREA; access for rd. vehs.will be denied - hence a blockade of that area. (source: >
The Baht Stop < .),.
-- E&OE.. --