-- Y'day., (13th.), and to make a break for myself from the Silom area I went to IMPERIALWORLD & to the STATE CINEMA at SAM RONG; BTS. to ON NUT, (E9.), and 'bus. thence.
- ETA. at IMP'L. WORLD was around 14.hrs.;
- No activity seen in the most popular hawng nahm in the b'ment., maybe I had arr'd. too late.
- Adm'n. still 50.Bh.;
- Videos shewn were all either lesbian or ortho-sexual & hard porn.;
- Ambient lighting at a v. LOW level, a small hand-torch, (flash-light.), would have been useful until my eyes had adjusted themselves to the gen'l. gloom;
- Not all that many spectators; v. spasmodic activity amongst them: mostly smoking, although I did see one penetration, (without a Condom, as far as I could judge.),.
-- Back to IMP'L. WORLD, again no activity, the occupants in the b'ment. HN. seemed to be glued to their seats!
-- I looked-in at LOTUS TESCO - On Nut; but that, too wasn't at all busy in either HN..