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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - How about Bangkok now?
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Old 22nd May 2010, 06:01 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

- Readers might be interested in the flg. -.

> [Url =] British anarchist caught urging. . Red Shirts to burn and loot mall | News [/ url] <.

-- Tee rak, who was watching Thai TV. after 19.oo.hrs., told me that the BTS., (SkyTrain.), hopes to re-start svces. tomorrow sunday, 23rd., from O8.-22.oo.hrs.
- The MRT. will recommence svces. WEF. monday, 24th..

-- Tee rak & I supped in DEE's., (Si Lom 6.], and then went for a pre-curfew walk-about; during wch, my thoughts wandered to the piles of garbage etc. seen and the manner in wch. it was being disposed: thus I found myself racking my brains to remember the complete 'The Walrus and the Carpenter.'; well - I'm sure that search-engine Google. will come to my rescue.
- In Soi Twilight, at around 2O3O.hrs., only the small eatery by CLASSIC BOYS was OPEN - a gp. of elderly folks enjoying their beers in the cool of the evening - as was the POOL BAR, (roughly opp. to DICK'S. CAFE. - itself CLOSED], and BANANA BAR with a few farangs & some Thai boyz.
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