Originally Posted by JupiterJake
... .
So how "bright" is Babylon. I mean, are we talking full lighting or is it at least subdued? I would love to understand the layout a little more.
BABYLON SAUNA, like many other such places, may be divided into
two areas -
Adequately-lit spaces: Reception; Changing/locker rooms; Bathrooms/showers/toilets; Indoors' sitting-out spaces; Gym.; Bars/restaurants and similar areas.
Dimly-lit spaces: Saunas, (dry & steam.); Jacuzzi; Dark-rooms; Resting cabins; Maze and other suchlike spaces.
- In
the dimly-lit spaces it takes my eyes several minutes to accustom themselves to the surrounding negrescense.
- In the Resting cabins the individual lights are controlable for brilliance.
-- As an aside my olde pal, my olde beauty Dr. Strabismus - whom God preserve - of Utrecht has suggested that possibly you might be prone to
Photoaugliaphobia? ;-)