-- My elderly & frequently visiting farang friend told me that he visited TAWAN BAR on tuesday, (27th. - start of Bhuddist Lent: hence officially no alcohol allowed for public sales or consumption.),.
-- He guestimated that it was approx. 60%. full - mainly Asains, with maybe 4 or 5 farangs & a few wimmen;
- His drink cost 250.Bh.;
- Some farang, (apparently a frequent visitor & well-known to mngmnt. & to staff.), was having a b'day. pty.: cake with candles, (all of wch. were blown-out with just one breath!), photos. being taken and so on and so forth.
- The perf. was the usual & fairly std. stuff; for the JO. act three boyz achieved what was req'd..
- NO smoking!
- Backgd. music generally remained backgd.!
-- E&OE. as reported speech.