Originally Posted by Hornscot
Just curious as I drove past here last Saturday and saw a really good looking young African. Anyone here been there and had any luck? My gaydar is probably not good enogh to identify versatile or passive ones but that would be my preference. 
A LOT of hot Africans and arabs--it's amazing!
I tried walking around that area several times at night. The problem is it seems straight--and guys are with other guys and they seem straight (not gay-cruisable). It's like a straight bar/nightlife area, and the hot guys seem into that straight nightlife mode. I don't think one can successfully cruise there. The guys don't even seem to know you're cruising (they're in their own world with their friends). I would really love to meet someone from that area--a hot arab or African. Oddly, I was there one afternoon and a hot black guy said something to me about connecting--but I wasn't sure, and I had a lot of money on me (and didn't want to get set up). So maybe walk around there during the day and see what happens. Please post updates!