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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 29th July 2010, 03:07 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I prefer the "straight" massage places rather than be saddled with a large tip whether the boy performs or not at a sex massage joint. At the "straight" places, you may end up with the (excellent description above) fish descaling or onion peeling type of sex if you initiate it, but at least you can tip accordingly without a load of complaints.
I also never instigate the sex at "straight" joints but wait for the boy to do so if he wants and then follow-up if he clearly is going to be interactive.
The boys have several ways to let you know they are interested. These I have appreciated most:
At Proud 66, one boy during a Thai massage sat with his lower back up against my crutch when I was laying flat on my back with legs apart. He does that while massaging your calf muscles, but every time he presses on the muscle, he moves his upper body back and forth which makes his lower back rub up and down on your penis. When he feels an erection, he turns around and starts massaging your arm with the palm of your hand resting "accidentally" on his penis. All downhill from there.
The arm massage has for me, started encounters on many occasions...once at Saladaeng Massage with Kem, a place in Fortune and Busaba. The boy rests your hand in such a way to allow you easy access to his crotch.
On other occasions, boys at Prime and Best massage brushed "accidentally" against my penis and then touched again more aware. They asked "Sleeping?". Yes, I nodded. To which he replied "Mine isn't".
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