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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 31st July 2010, 06:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 149

Last week had a really good massage at a local 'legit' massage joint in Tn Silom. My usual was not there and in fact I subsequently found out he has moved on and have been unable to locate him. Nevermind.

This new guy was a good masseur, a slim fellow with a retiring manner. On the first day I had a foot massage which was good so I went again this time for a full body... Well as I said he was a retiring type so was not at all forthcoming in the ways you understand so it was left up to me to put it to him squarely.... 'How much for a smoke?" Negotiations were very brisk and we settled upon B1K. Well size queens he was elephantine! When it was hard it was bigger at the extremity circumferentially than at the base. Just a great dick. Anyway I had an enjoyable time. So it really can be quite surprising what you find in the most mundane of places. I havenot supplied his name or whereabouts because of his retiring nature. Don't sort of feel this is the right thing to do...
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