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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - San Suk Sauna Pattaya
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Old 8th August 2010, 03:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 149

Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- I'll allow that my experiences of such places might not be as extensive as yours, but those that I have, coupled with what other farangs have mentioned, are that one can visit a certain place on a certain day and at a certain time and have an experience; then one can return a week, ten days or whatever time interval later and have a completely different experience, (or vice-versa if that'll be yr. fortune and/or you like it that way!), - predicatability? 555!
As usual very wise words from the Sexytiler!! This applies to all 'venues' that we frequent probably including the pubs and clubs altho I'll allow these places have a little more predictability. But then how many times does that 'special fellow' that you saw/met at a commercial establishement disappear never to be seen again...
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