For years I roamed the halls of ABS's waiting for the right mouth, then after I found it, I'd bail. Nowadays I'm that "mouth" that's waiting for the right cock to swallow. Afterwords I don't mind a "thanks man" or a number slipped thru the hole. I gotten several over the years but I've never called one yet. AS mentioned above, When I'm in the ABS/bathhouse/ gay porn theater, I'm in a totally different place in my sexuality. Inside, I'm a nasty cocksucking whore, Outside, I love pussy and tits and all things female. The only part of you I want to know is your dick.
.....As for that Latin dude; well there's an even bigger stigma attached to his cultural background and that's known as "Machismo". I have several close friendships with latin folk and those are the opinions I've heard stated. So I can only deduce that his culture is even far less accepting of homosexuality then others. Just an opinion.