Red shirts' manifestations ...
-- Today, (12th.), tee rak & I walked along the SkyBridge from BTS. SIAM towards BTS. CHIT LOM, (E1.),;
- En route we looked through the safety curtains around the ZEN end of CENTRALWORLD, erected by the repair company, and saw the workers clearing-away still the section that collapsed as a result of the fire;
- We gained the R'PRASONG. I'SECT. at approx. 17.05.hrs. and saw a guestimated crowd of maybe as many as 200 people wearing red shirts and/or red caps, in attendance were the usual fellow-travellers, media pers., synpathisers, useful idiots and so on - maybe another 100 of them? Plus, of course, some of BKK's Finest. The protesters were marshalled at the LV. corner of GAYSORN. Rd.-tfc. & pedestrians were proceeding on their lawful businesses unimpeded.
-- Tee rak & I saw another gp. by LUMPINI PK's. KING RAMA VI. STATUE at around 18.30.hrs.. Again possibly as many as a couple of hundred. After a while a procession, carrying Thai tricolored flags, banners & posters formed and moved-off towards the MRT. Silom ent'ce./exit, several members of the media with shoulder-mounted cameras nearly fell-over backwards as the crowd advanced. Tee-rak, who hails from TRANG and who loathes the red shirts, and I walked amongst them; he started to become a bit agitated, but I told him not to worry - we would be quite safe as I was wearing red, too - my briefs: ;-)
- Left-on the paving stones in front of the King's Statue was a poster with a couple of quotations from former US. Pres. JFK. and, to its LEFT, another larger drawing.
- A small gp. was carrying posters advising onlookers that there would be another popular manifestation on 19 sep..