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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bkk vs Shenzhen
Thread: Bkk vs Shenzhen
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Old 18th September 2010, 04:28 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
KL is a personal best for me - whether its Blue Boy Bar, local gay sauna or Gay Romeo, I find more cock than I can handle - and it never costs me a cent. Blue Boy is a unique combined bar, disco, H.N. and pick up venue where GWM are swooped on and either escorted to the H.N. for perving or action, or asked to go "some-where private." My personal bests are
- walking in alone , being approached and leaving with a new friend for the night 5 minutes later. (19 y.o. btm not money boy)
- walking in alone chatting up 2 19 & 20 y.o. friends, & taking them, and a 3rd cutie back to my hotel for the most amazing night I can remember,

Moslem boys in particular are horny as hell and always up for the chance to have discrete sex with a visiting farang.
I can't figure out why people go to Thailand when the Malaysians seem better and easier to meet. I have heard this from other people. I'm thinking about quitting my visits to Bangkok and trying Kuala Lampur, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. But Tokyo was a total waste when I checked it out for 2 days. In Asia, I have only been to Thailand, and the one short stayover in Tokyo (I only cruised around Shijuku area and found it impossible to meet anyone). I just think that Thailand is worn out (decades of farangs paying money). Here in the U.S. I have observed that Thai think they're something special (they think all the Americans are ga-ga over them) while Malaysians are more genuine and high-quality (smart, good jobs, etc.). And I heard that Malaysians are all fluent in English.
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