Originally Posted by BKK-European
... . I've never been to a "suck cinema" here in Bangkok but I'd like to try. As there seem to be quite some, but as they also seem to be hit & miss, I'd appreciate some recommendations from the experienced crowd:
1.- Which one to check out first?
2.- What day of the week and what time is best for most fun?
3.- Anything else I should know or consider before venturing there?
... .
1. -
PHAHON CINEMA - Saphan Kwai.;
- BTS.: S. Kwai, (N7.),;
2. - As my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend would tell you:
'It's a crap shoot.';
3. - You might like to consider the flg. -
3.1. - Wear yr. oldest & grungiest clothes;
3.2. - Take with you the flg. -
3.2.1. - Only small denom'n. bank-notes;
3.2.2. - Condoms & lube.,
3.2.3. - Plenty of facial tissues,
3.2.4. - Small torch, (
US. flash-light.),
3.2.5. -
Fisherman's friend or similar mouth-lozenges,
3.2.6. - A sense of humor!
-- Others, that's 100%. for sure, will be able to ADD their own suggestions or to larf-at mine!