Originally Posted by df
1. - It seems only the skinny/ small guys are eager to "entertain".
2. - Where do one find meatier young men to do the same in BKK?
1. - Maybe that's what the bars' owners think is what the majority of their customers prefer?
- Anyone have contacts with a bar-owner and able to confirm or to correct that?
2. - While I have
not visited for a long time, and thus my originations would be greatly out-of-date, yet I've read from other web-sites and heard from chattering with others that you might want to check-out the flg. & possibly suitable a go-go bars -
2.1. - BOYS BKK./DREAMBOYS. - Soi Twilight;
2.2. - JUPITER 2002. - By SURIWONG HTL.;
2.3. - TAWAN BAR - Soi Than Tawan.
-- E&OE.. -- Corr'ns. requested.