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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - PATTAYA please
Thread: PATTAYA please
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Old 16th October 2010, 02:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Pawanthip thai massage ...

-- During our a/m. vacation in PATTAYA my Enthusiastic & American Friend visited PAWANTHIP THAI MASSAGE. twice -
- addr.: 564, M.10., Pattaya Sai 2nd. rd.,
(Nr. MIKE HOTEL.), Nong prue,
CHONBURI, 20150.;
- loc'n.: on Pattaya 2nd. rd. adjacent to MIKE HOTEL.;
- tel.: (038)-710 132.;
- web: n/a.;
- hrs.: approx. 11.-23.oo.hrs., or maybe later if many customers.

-- Both times my E&AF. chose the same masseur, a young looking man possibly just out of the monkhood, judging by his shaven head & eye-brows;
- Later he told me that his masseur wanted to go to his hotel to give him a pedicure and then to spend the night with him.

-- Based-on his enthusiastic rpt. I visited but once and chose a mature looking masseur: Khun Nai; early 30s. & hails from I-San; speaks adequate enough English;
- ETA.: approx. 17.oo.hrs.;
- Curtained cubicles, approx. 07'.06". x04'.06".; curtains extend approx. 07'. above fl.-level - thus discretion advised! Mattress on the floor - clean bed-linen;
- No showers, thus one should shower etc. beforehand in one's htl. or elsewhere; after an oil-massage one is rubbed-down with a towel to remove any surplus oil;
- I chose my usual 90mins'. & oil-massage for just 400.Bh.;
- As it would be an oil-massage I gestured to Khun Nai to remove his tee-shirt & masseur's trousers, but he pointed to outside the curtains & shook his head - but he did roll-up his trousers' legs;
- A good & thorough massage, with a certain amt. of att'n. & of time being paid to those parts upon wch. the sun ... even if it did lack any effleurage and fancy strokes;
- At the right time his fingers started their skillful work upon a particularly sensitive part of my body, and I felt that it would be pleasurable for him for me to reciprocate by offering some 'sa-mook.' - to wch. he didn't object;
- In our talking he told me that OUT-calls were acceptable and at no extra charge. He added that I was his first customer of the day; to my query he replied that the parlor presently handles some 20 customers per diem, mostly for foot-massages;
- When all was completed I was offered a cup of hot & of black tea.

-- A couple of evenings later I asked my E&AF's. masseur if he'd like to return to my hotel to massage me there; after some moments of chatter he didn't appear to be all that interested - so I wasn't interested any further; his (financial) loss - not mine!
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