-- Y'day., (04th.), it being a fine a'noon. I went-to BAYLON SAUNA, wch. I've not visited for several months;
- ETA./ETD.: 14.45./21.45.hrs.;
- Adm'n.: 230.Bh.;
- The two smaller Locker Rms. were CLOSED, thus only the largest one was OPEN;
- The upstairs cafe. was OPEN until 17.oo.hrs.;
- Approx. twenty or so - mostly maturer farangs - around the pool;
- The Dk. Room - next to the Lkr. Rm. - wasn't too busy; again mostly maturer farangs; ditto the downstairs & smaller Steam Rm.;
- MORE people, incl. Thais, started coming-IN after 16.30.hrs.;
- At 17.oo.hrs. the Inner Courtyd. OPENED, along with the larger Steam Room, Jacuzzi & upstairs Rest Rooms, some of wch. are CLOSED still while their refurb. continues;
- I didin't notice any improvements to the larger Steam Room; but in the Jacuzzi the seating has been re-tiled, a MORE powerful pump installed and the lighting improved;
- I went to supper at 19.hrs.; leisurely svce., in the hr. or so that I was there possibly as many as a couple of dozen other Happy Eaters?
- Back in the larger Steam Room & Jacuzzi it was apparent that the majority of users were farangs - v. few Thais seen then;
- O'all. I'd make an off-the-cuff guestimate of the ratio of Thais:farangs at 40:60..