-- For most of this week - monday
13th. onwards - the weather has been unseasonal, especially for what's regarded as the
Tourist Season.;
- Generally cool to chilly;
not all that much sunshine but MORE often o'cast.. Rain at unusual and disconcerting times, causing the young men in the concession in wch. we go to move-around the umbrellas so that those who remained behind and braved the inclemencies could do so under umbrellas that are LESS weakened by yrs. of tropical sunshine and have MORE cloth in them;
- Today, (
17th.), forenoon en route to our destination here in BKK. we passed an illuminated temp. sign - this would be around
10.oo.hrs. or so - wch. shewed
74F., on the cool side for hereabouts.
-- Thai young men recommended as bed-warmers!