Originally Posted by icon513
Here's a late Xmas gift for Taoboxer and James, since they appear to think it is appropriate beach apparel for men of this age.

I say good on him. People who have the confidence to be what they want to be whether fat, skinny or whatever should be welcome on Dongtan beach. I;ve spent many happy hours there marvelling at the whales in thongs and jandals (Ha!) dragging their big butts/bellies to the water and deckchair. I don't let it detract from my enjoyment. Good on them for gettin' on with what they enjoy.
I remember a guy who came daily for a massage a few years back, very bloated and obviously quite ill. Not a pretty sight but good on him too for getting what he needed. I thought thats what I'll do should I be struck.
Certainly don't want the fat, beauty, agist or whatever police interfering in what I do.
Now anybody want to talk about CRUISING FOR SEX