3rd January 2011, 08:26 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136
Originally Posted by sextile
-- Today, (26th. - Boxing day.), at b'fast. my Elderly, Frequently visiting and American Friend drew my att'n. to the trio sitting behind me: two Thai & young men with a mature farang.
- Looking-at the Thai & YM. we hypothesised that they might well be twins: similar facial looks, similar looking ages and, after standing-up, similar heights and body-builds; they dressed similarly, too.
-- Statistically - Nat'l. Cntr. for Hlth. Stats., (2006.) - twin births occur at approx. 32.21./1,000. births.
- Puting gays at say roughly 5%. of pop'n. that would make gay twins rarae aves, would it not?
And gay twin ladyboys would be even more rare, right Icon? :P