Hi, this post is regarding the rare incidents or shows at Tawan. One or two (fortunately, and unfortunately) I've managed to witness, but most are reported by the other members who sent me the information. I've been hoping to catch those shows since...
Please add on if you have more, or give more details if you actually witnessed the accounts too.
Customer gets into the Act #1 (Big Cock Show)
One time a few years ago, I saw a very excited customer standing near the edge of the stage during the big cock parade. When the first guy came on stage and posed in front of his face, he suddenly leaned forward and sucked his cock. As most of the guys were not wearing condoms, the first guy was initially shocked but then he grabbed his head and gave it 3 good thrusts. Pleasantly surprised, the customer tipped him 1000THB. As most of the guys were coming on stage one by one through the stage door, most of them didn't know what was coming until towards the middle of the queue. One by one, he would go for the paraded cocks like a hungry lion on a diet, devouring it like it was sweet ambrosia. A few managed to dodge the bullet. But all received a good tip from the guy.
Customer gets into the Act #2 (Fucking Show)
This reportedly took place on one of the low season nights last year. I think when there are only a few customers, the special requests can be made and the Tawan guys don't mind doing since there are mostly regular customers. I didn't see this one, but I trust the source and confirmed it with the staff at Tawan on my subsequent visit.
A customer who obviously has a bodybuilder fetish and somewhat exhibitionistic became an actor in one Special show. He stripped upstairs, put on a mask, and came onstage with one of the huge bodybuilders. As most Tawan fans would know, very rarely the bodybuilders will act in the fucking show. This time, the customer tipped both the bar and the bodybuilder to fuck him on stage. Anyway, everyone could see the customer was really into it, and living his dream. The bodybuilder was also a good top and gave him the best 5 minute of his life. People could hear the sounds: *puck* *puck* *puck* on stage, as the special performance went on despite the loud music. For 5 mins of glorious intense fucking, the bodybuilder earned 1000THB.
Customer gets into the Act #3 (Chuckwow Finale)
I saw this myself (unfortunately). One time (about two or plus years ago), there was a very flamboyant and drunk farang customer. He was sitting by the edge of the stage, and really boisterous during the shows, on and off, interfering, for example, he would smack the asses of the guys doing the fucking shows. Just being a plain nuisance as I glanced around, most of the customers were getting restless. When it was time for the chuckwow show, he went on stage, grabbing a nearby whisky bottle! Everytime a boy cums, he would grab their cocks and shove it into his mouth to suck! Everyone in the bar was flabbergasted for sure. The first guy seemed shocked, but the others on stage saw it coming, and some even enjoyed the sensations. After each boy, he would tip them, take a swig of whisky and spit it out. I think about 6-7 boys finished cumming in his mouth.

Argggh... For me it left a bitter taste (pun intended), but I guess, the guy was feeling depressed and needed to act out. Afterwards, I was told the poor chap was going home as his work in Thailand was finished and he just broke off with his boyfriend too. Never saw him again...