Originally Posted by sextile
-- Y'day., 03 feb., went to K-MALE CLUB.:
... .
-- Readers are invited to go to the flg. web-site and to scroll-DOWN as indicated below -
:: Trevvy / SGBOY :: Lifestyle. Community. Me. (Gay Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Thailand Australia) < (
No need to register and/or to log-on for just casual reading.),;
- SGBoyX; > Lifestyle zone; > Travellers' Lodge; > Thread entitled: SIAM; > posting dated
18 feb. 2011. by Trevvy's very own Mr. Sextile -
NO relative I am pleased to assure you, just a cheap plagiarist of my posting #
46. of 04 feb. 2011. and of other & earlier ones, and with a taste for adding the lewder type of embroidery!