Originally Posted by sextile
From the way that M'sans. & masseurs moved between 88 MASSAGE and K-MALE CLUB I suspected that there might have been some sort of link, but was unaware of HAREM MASSAGE PARLOR** being part of that gp..
88 and K-Male indeed have the same ownership. But I would be surprised if Harem is part of it too. A young queeny man but with a low voice claims to be the owner of Harem. He is always there with his boyfriend. But many of these establishments are in some way inter-connected. Alliances are built and broken. For example, I was told by the owner of White Spa he used to be part of the 69 group but had a fall-out. 69 itself (now no longer in existence) went through turbulence due to various misunderstandings with various owners. What remains is the Jey Spa opposite Emporium.