-- In my previous posting about
BIG C. -Ratchadamri, (#
610.), I meant to make mention of the one & useable
hawng nahm in the basement's car-parking space, (how did I come to forget that?

- On the bldg's. floor-plans
two HN. are shewn -
1.- Take any one of the
3 elevators DOWN to the b'ment.;
- After leaving turn
RIGHT and go through the automatic door wch. has white on
orange transfers shewing OPENING hrs. and the usual SGP.-style '
No smoking.'
etc. etc. pictures;
- Turn
RIGHT and go past the shopping-carts' storage recess, (
- Immediately past that you'll see an unlit & narrow passage-way to yr.
RHS., that's where one
HN. will be at sometime in the future;
2.- Walk through the basement's car-park and past the pillars on wch. are painted '
B8.' and look-for the car-wash spaces;
- The
HN. is to the car-wash's
LEFT and is indicated by the usual & int'l. signage. Tucked fairly well out-of-the-way and possibly worth a try if there's nowhere else to go.