Originally Posted by BKK-European
No laughing matter, surely!
-- Far be it from me to sound like a modern day & BKK.-based Jeremiah but these things do have an habit of spreading; here, in BKK., we have several different & Xtn. sects of varying degrees of religious strictness, also a branch of the Church of Scientology of California., additionally other Abrahamic-based religions,
PLUS, should Dr. & Pol. Col. Thaksin's
political party win the forthoming election, there is the good Dr. himself who is most definitely
not pro-gay. It was
not too long ago, as you,
Gentle Reader, may remember that
Khun Purachai, Min. of the Interior, (?),
SET-BACK CLOSING TIME for a go-go bars, beer-bars, clubs, discos.
etc. etc. to
-- Longer term residents may care to remember that even
ten yrs. ago BKK. was MORE tolerant of our unorthodox life-styes than now, (or do I plead
"Guilty, M'lud." to wearing
rose-tinted glasses?),.
'The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.'. --