-- Firstly apologies for posting this subject in the wrong thread - "
Mea culpa."
- My Address-Book is
not only
OUT-of-date but is
no longer in alphabetical order; hence the need to address these matters.
- For just BKK. it contains approx.
some 32 a go-go bars, (none karaoke!); perhaps
35 gay-friendly hotels & GHs.; possibly
119 massage parlors and just
57 - Mr. Heinz:

-- Before submitting these
four lists for corr'ns.
etc. etc. to and from the general readership - a two ways tfc. here in the dissemination & sharing of knowledge, PLUS getting my book UP-dated! - I would prefer to obtain the blessings of the Owner and of our esteeemed Moderator.
- I am thinking of submitting each list in turn and with a distinct interval between to allow for reading, corr'n. and so on and so forth.
- I shall await permission from above. --