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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Pattaya update
Thread: Pattaya update
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Old 3rd July 2011, 07:53 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Some a go-go bars visited ...

-- Either the three of us, or just my Enthusiastic & American Friend and I visited the flg. a go-go bars -

1.- HAPPY BOYS - BOYSTOWN - No smoking & LOW volume of bkgd. music are its attractions for us.
- My Elderly & Frequently-visiting Friend was much taken by #71. - a man well past the first flush of youth. Enquiring about a 'Short time room.' he was told that for three hours it would be 500.Bh. for the room and 1K.Bk. for his companion.

2.- An Elderly & American Friend who's a long time Pattaya-resident recommended VASSA BAR*. - BOYSTOWN , to wch. we duely went:
- Ten or so young men seen; had one not been advised otherwise one might have been excused for thinking that all too many of them appeared to be under-aged - AYOR.? This Thomas Didymus asked the M'San. and was assured that they're all over 17YO.; Really? I shallhave to buy some new glasses.
- Checking with the M'San. he has an OFF-premises 'Short time room.': off fee at 300.Bh., room for two 400.Bh. &1K.Bh. as TIP. for one's companion.
- My Enthusiastic Friend was rather taken with Jaime - #9.: still on the young looking side of life and also on the skinny side; apparently quite affectionate, seemingly.
- We noticed that some other visitors appeared to be taken by #2. who was working the visitors - unlike most of the other young men there; while none of the farangs asked him to join them,several of them shewed their approbation in the usual & accepted fashionbefore leaving.

3.- HAPPY PLACE - BOYSTOWN - Another no smoking bar, although the bkgd. music was on the loud side;
- The penultimate act was an erotic one: one of the performers - 2/3. were au naturel - is MORE girthy than long; I reckoned that his v. well developed hua kuai might cause some recipients a problem.

--* VASSA BAR. ,
- addr.: 325/138, Pattayaland soi1.,
- cell: (087)-581 2076. - M'San., khun Pun.

-- On friday, 01 jul., I went to HAPPY BAR - wch. isn't too far from SUNNEE PLAZA;
- ETA.: approx. 22.hrs.; and found myself its only visitor at that time. However, during the time that I remained there some MORE farangs entered and the place livened-up considerably;
- #14. is a newbie who had soon learnt what was req'd. of him; #8. was another one who was all too willing to display his charms, while #11. was so happy to lift-up his shorts and to shew us his arse;
- But for whatever reason none of them managed to persuade me to go upstairs.

-- On saturday, 02 jul.; being the day before the Gen'l. Election - it would be a no alcohol evening - at around 20.hrs. I walked though BOYSTOWN. the flg. bars were shewing signs of being OPEN : FUNNY BOYS, TOY BOYS, VASSA BAR & WILD WEST BAR. At that time no signs of life from the others;
- Most massage parlors seemed to be OPEN.

-- I arr'd. at CARTIER A GO-GO BAR. at approx. 21.45.hrs.and the door-person gave me to u'stand. that the bar would OPEN at 22.hrs..
- As it was starting to rain slightly I sought shelter farther along the street, and ret'd. at 22.05.hrs.; only to be info'd. by some other young man that the Bar would OPEN in about another 40.mins. time. As the rain had strengthened I decided not to await the new time and ret'd. to my acc'n..

-- For your Dear Diary -
22 jul. - HAPPY PLACE . - BOYSTOWN - Big Banana Contest.; the farang owner delared that there would be no need to give us any further info. as to the Contest - apart from the prize-money involved.

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