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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Circumcision.
Thread: Circumcision.
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Old 31st July 2011, 08:15 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
"PrePek.' C'cision. device ...

-- The Cent'l. African and Democratic Republic of Rwanda has set itself an ambitious target in the reduction of the risks of hetero-sexually transmitted HIV.;
- Simply written, rather than relying-on the std. methods of c'cision. with their requirements for medical intervention, local anaesthetics, surgery etc. etc. this new method employs a simple device called 'PrePek.', wch. is basially a pr. of matched & plastic rings and an elastic band. wch. can be applied by any trained person after just a couple of days of training.
- Published results of trials so far have indicated an almost gen'l. satisfaction with MINIMUM pain, no absence from work and no post-op. traumas.
- Reportedly there have been three trials involving 11,000 men in Rwanda.

-- Should this device receive world-wide acceptance then maybe we'll be seeing fewer examples of the types of butchery such as one sees in the Phillipines when at election times Senatoriables buy votes by sponsoring mass-c'cisions., under the slogan of 'The Gateway to Manhood!'.

-- Further info.: > <

-- E&OE.. I write as a non-medical person. --
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