-- The Cent'l. African and Democratic Republic of Rwanda, under the driving influence of its fem. Min. of Health, has set itself an ambitious tgt. in the struggle against hetero-sexually transmitted HIV. by agreeing to participate in supervised trials of a new c'cision. device wch. does
not rely-on any trad. methods involving anaesthics, surgical intervention and suchlike;
- Instead, to write simply and as I u'stand. it, the '
PrePek.' method employs a
pr. of matched & plastic rings and an elastic band, wch. can be applied by any person who has rec'd. a couple of days training in their application - however, it is
not a DIY. kit! There is
no need for anaesthetics, surgery, sutures and suchlike; the new system involves LESS than a minute's pain when the device is removed after having been applied a week earlier - there is no time off work, either.
-- Further info.: >
BBC News - New device makes circumcision safer and cheaper <
-- One may fly directly to KIGALI Int'l. Airport -
KGL. - from A'dam., Brussels, Istanbul and Jo'burg..
-- E&OE.. -- I write as a non-medical person. --