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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Pattaya update
Thread: Pattaya update
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Old 22nd October 2011, 02:14 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Misc. Notes re pattaya ...

-- In SUNNEE PLAZA CORNER BAR is for sale, as are the former EUROBOYS and several others in its gen'l. area; in JOMTIEN PAPA DAVID'S REST'T.,(nr. Hanuman's statue.), is UP for sale.

-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I visited the flg. bars -
FUNNY BOYS - BoyzTown. - twice - we reckoned that #61. was the only one worth considering for 'Offing.' followed by poss. #16.; quite a few other customers;
FUNNY PLACE - once was enough! OMG.! What has happened to it? No sign of the portly farang, thus has the feeling that that place was running down like a no-longer-powered flywheel, as it were: true: cool towelets still provided; we asked for Schweppes' & Lemon-sodas and were given Singha's soda-water with slices of lemon; qual. of R&F. a go-go boys sadly fallen right DOWN, possibly just above say A-BOMB qual.?; music loud;no smoking!
DAVID - non-alc. drinks 120.Bh.; nine a go-go dancers, none of 'Offable.' qual.; had longish chat with khun Jhun - waiter - 26YO., hails from Roi-Et, speaks quite fair English - possibly 'Offable.'?
SUPER STAR SHOW BAR - non-alc. drinks 110.Bh.; some score of a go-go dancers; rather kitshie decor.;
TOY BOYS - No comment.
-- HAPPY A GO-GO BAR - Sunnee plaza. - non-alc. drinks 90.Bh.; were told that 20 dancers avail., but saw only 07. of them; a couple of other farangs came-in, but otherwise far from busy;
MIC-MY BAR. - Many young men, but did not count them; several displaying their assets and/or m'bating.; one VWE. for a Thai youth. Quite a few & other customers - noted that it was the younger & twinkier young men who seemed to be the MORE pop. for being asked to join the farangs.
-- E&OE.. --
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