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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - BKK floods...
Thread: BKK floods...
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Old 27th October 2011, 08:25 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by dorothy dix View Post
Thanks for reply.Have checked with some Thai travellers who advise postponement.
... . Supermarket shortages,water supply sources uncertain and the ever-present possibility of disease have swayed me against going now.This is worst case of course but scenarios that must be taken into account.
... .

-- True; possibly non-essential travel would be best avoided right now.
-- Most s'mkts. have empty shelves for some, but not all, items: mostly potable water & tinned goods gone; some breads etc., fresh fruits & veggies. available still - PLUS plenty of wines & spirits - ha!
- As of today,(28oct.), TOPS - Silom Complex Shopping Plaza, had re-stocked many of its shelves; but many gaps - like young person losing his/her milk-teeth before the growth of his adult's dentition - all too obvious.

-- Y'day.,(27 oct.), ret' #84. 'bus. from beyond BANG KHAE; many overpasses etc. have double-parking wch. slowed-down day-to-day tfc.; but still plenty of rd.-tfc.; usual & 60mins'. journey took MORE than 90mins. in either dir'n.;
- Charoen Krung soi 58., (approx. mid-way between BTS. S.Taksin,[S6.], & SHREWSBURY INT'L. SCH.), sand-bagged wall breached by flood-waters, water across CK. main rd. maybe an inch or so,(2.54.cms.), deep in that local area.
- In passing-over CHAO PHRAYA river, by BTS. bridge, observed HIGH water level, river ebbing quite strongly - saw no obvious flooding, although waters appeared to be v. close to river-walls & to temp'y. barriers.
- Sofar CENT'L. & BUSINESS DISTRICT,(Si Lom, Rama IV. & Suriwong areas.), dry under-foot. My app'ts. Dragon-lady, (we're between Si Lom & S'wong. rds. & nr. to the PHAT PONGS.), is confident of no local flooding of any seriousness!
- However, while she might be confident about the bldg's. OUTER defences holding-out against EXTERNAl flood-waters, today forenoon she revealed some disquiet about the drains & sewers backing-up! As a gd.-fl. resident - and one with plenty of experience of such things happening in some of the Saudi-run Co's & KSA. hospitals - I'll allow that it's a matter of concern to me, too; memories of wading-around in hospitals' sh*t pits and trying to free jammed & submerged pumps was no fun! :-(
- The app't.-blk. has purchased a small & gas.-driven pump on a 'Just in case.' basis.
-- We'll see.
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