@label groups: duuuh-to a certain degree, as with anything in life/people. In fact I maintain a little more in Aseans as in westerners. Guess we here are all old+wise enogh to know and have experienced that. besides: your example was clearly about a Lao/Isan guy and not a chao doi, nah? and could also have happened smack in the middle of the nightbazar or any foodcourt, nah?
And yes: I also avoid BKK-boys with their label-lust, trendy looks and all that. And immense lust for more baht.
BTW Riverhosue and Classic House have same owner and same staff-pool and have a savingcard: after 5 times paid the 6th is free. Het their bonuscard!
I walked by 2bros twice and once went in and did not follow up-he welcoming and shouting from the street plus what was available-and happening then+there=-foot massage to tourist ladies, was not too inviting.