-- Today, 30th. november, St. Andrew's Day, I visited my friend in his hair-dressing salon on Phet Kasem
- On the OUTbound leg flood waters first seen around soi
- Soi
79. itself was but partially flooded, and then only to kerb-depth in general; with care it was possible to walk dry-shod for most of the way.
- For the return & INbound leg the flood-waters persisted, to a greater or lesser degree, to as far IN as soi
- However, the
good news is that the area of THE MALL - Bang Khae is virtually dry - to date THE MALL remains
CLOSED; but with sales
etc.for the NewYear's shopping I'd expect an imminent
- I noticed that many people were using the post-flood period for a general clean-up and to dispose of unwanted junk - an early spring-cleaning, possibly?