-- Reportedly a new type of Condom will be released soon and probably be marketted by Durex:
Type CSD500. -
- According to a spokesperson:
'It's essentally viagra in a Condom.';
- Reportedly a patented, Zanifil & nitro-glycerine-based gel is on the inside of the Condom's nipple or tip; it promises to boost love-making ... .
- The Condom has received the
CE. mark of approval, thus licencing it for sale and for use throughout Euroland; cost
not disclosed sofar.
- References/sources:
1.- >
The Baht Stop <
2.- >
http:///articles.timesofindia.indiat...le-disfunction < (possibly an incomplete ref.?):
3.- >
http://www.futuramedical.com/content...ts/csd_500.asp <