20th January 2012, 01:19 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898
Originally Posted by sextile
- With apologies to the Week-end Financial Times' color supplements for this thread's title.
-- A farang, arriving from Euroland, has published his vacation's expenses from 20dec. to 10 jan.: 20d/21n. here in TH.; on an avg. he spent just 2,476,oo.pd., (approx. GBP.52. or USD.80.),. He did not include the costs of the flight, etc. etc. incured before his landing at S'BHUMI. INT'L. AIRPORT.
- Possibly we shall read MORE about his time here in the LoS.?
- Source: > The Baht Stop <-> Forums > Open Forum > 'Expenses holiday ... .'.
What was he - a monk ?
That wouldn't cover my beer and boys bill !