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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Tawan Bar - Reviews?
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Old 22nd January 2012, 11:26 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
TAWAN CLUB - recent visit ...

-- From time-to-time I walk-by the TAWAN CLUB - Soi Than Tawan. and, if available, collect one of the monthly & freebie mags on display;

-- So it was MORE with a sense of obligation than anticipation that I entered on 21 jan. ;
- ETA./ETD.: 22.oo./23.50.hrs.;
- First drink at 300.Bh., thereafter just 280.Bh.. With no Schweppes 'Manao soda.' avail. I had to make-do with a whisky & water;
- On arr'l. possibly another 30 or so others therein; I was shewn to a seat stage front and one row back;
- At that time the men on stage were wearing small & black mini-briefs for the most part - just transparent enough to give an eagle-eyed spectator some idea ... ; just a few were wearing pouches made of thicker mat'l.. Soon after 10.05.hrs. they removed their mini-briefs, bunched them in an hand wch. they held-over their assets;
- To these olde & jaded eyes most of the men on stage are approaching maturity and their sell-by dates; possibly only #12. & #20. are on the younger side - the latter especially so: a shyer young man - certainly not a pretty-boi & eye-candy - who held his other hand over his back-side;
- Hse. lts. dimmed around 22.40.hrs. and some 5 mins. later the first act began - 1st. three acts were of the muscle-men posing & shewing-off their bodies;
- Then followed the more or less expected turn of acts for such a place: fortunately no Chantoosies, katoeys, lip-synchers and such-like. Equally no Big Cock Show or Bold show - the nearest being a rather tired seeming Jack-off act. There was a certain amt. of discreet nudity, and several acts involving youger men 'Smoking.';
- By the end the place was full enough without having to bring-out add'n. seating.
- No smoking of ciggies.; bkgd. music the usual & meaningless noise with emphasis on a base beat - but not too noisy for such a place. From time-to-time announcements made over the usual & LO-Fi PA.system. Several screens shewing hard & homo. porn..
-- I shall be in no hurry to return thither.
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