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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Tawan Bar - Reviews?
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Old 21st February 2012, 04:38 AM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8

Some posters above have said that they prefer to not know everything about a guy before offing them. I would be sympathetic to that - I like the process of chatting them up and I do not have a "set menu" of activities that I have to do with guys I off.

However, I acknowledge that some people do, particularly those that may have only a night or a weekend in Bangkok. I think the regular posters here, who are likely to have a different approach in bars because they are resident expats or very frequent visitors, should try to be helpful to those who are maybe in Bangkok for a day or two every few years, and perhaps have specific desires. I know my opinion is that if I knew of a nice guy working in a bar I would be only too delighted to recommend him to a customer I thought he would be compatible with.

And as for those who say "well, you cannot trust a recommendation from an Internet board any more than a mamasan/captain." - to be honest, I would be more likely to trust a recomendation from a board like this rather than an Internet site that charges for access or a mamasan that has perhaps a commission in mind. Recommendations from one anonymous person to another is one of the things that the Internet actually does pretty well usually ( for example Tripadvisor reviews).
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