Originally Posted by KhunTST
Agree that 'oriental' is a quaint out of date term not used with reference to people.
... .
-- For argument's sake let's write that after being in LONDON and having ret'd. hither I was writing-about my experiences there, and so on and so forth;
- Let's write that I visited 'THE QUEBEC.' pub. in Old Quebec st., (nick-named
'The Elephants' Grave-yard.'), - possibly known to some of you? - and recounted some of my times therein. Reportedly it is popular with younger men from o'seas. - especially from east of Suez - looking for
'Sugar Daddies.' and suchlike;
- Now, to me, there is a distinction between Asians - people who hail mainly from the Indian sub-continent - and those who come-from farther East. Would I not be correct in calling the latter Orientals, as a catch-all word?